About PART
PART (Practice and Research Together) is a Canadian membership-based knowledge translation organization. PART’s core function is to distill and disseminate practice-relevant research findings to child welfare practitioners including child welfare practitioners, supervisors, senior leaders, and foster caregivers. PART promotes the use of research through evidence-informed practice by producing a variety of innovative resources including: literature reviews, webinars, large scale conferences, practice guidebooks, and electronic access to research and academic journals. PART also provides support to individual member agencies as they implement evidence-informed practice.
What we do:
PART promotes organizational and systemic change by bridging the gap between child welfare practitioners and researchers. PART is a website portal that offers thousands of research focused resources for our members. We also provide member agencies with hands-on support and tools to assist with the implementation and utilization of evidence-informed practice. Our resources include:
- E-library offers access to over 800 peer reviewed journals, conference papers, e-text books and abstracts.
- Guidebooks designed to support evidence-informed practice in child welfare by offering practical and innovative tools and videos.
- Literature reviews (PARTicles) are concise review on relevant and important child welfare topics emerging from the field.
- Webinars are short, bi-weekly online seminars that can be followed in real-time or on-demand from the comfort of your office.
- Conferences bring together child welfare practitioners and leading academics to share knowledge and experience on the full range of topics in child welfare. These events are webcast live and stored for on-demand access.
- Interactive Case Studies enhance critical thinking skills by asking questions about case decisions that promote reflection and exploration of relevant practice issues.
- Storyboard videos are short interactive learning tools that explain highly conceptual ideas.
- PARTcasts and Research Radio podcasts - PARTcasts are narrated literature reviews from the PARTicle archives. Research Radio features one-on-one interviews with the world's leading child welfare researchers.
- Links of Interest to other sources of evidence-informed practice materials, including Research in Practice (RiP), our sister organization in the UK.
- Link PARTners are representatives from PART’s member agencies who act as ambassadors for creating evidence-informed practice and organizational change.
Here is a short video of all that PART has to offer.